Lists ISO VG for Engine Oils

ISO VG for Engine Oils

ISO Viscosity Grade Kinematic Viscosity (cS @ 40 deg C)
Minimum Maximum
ISO VG 2 1.98 2.42
ISO VG 3 2.88 3.52
ISO VG 5 4.14 5.06
ISO VG 7 6.12 7.48
ISO VG 10 9 11.0
ISO VG 15 13.5 16.5
ISO VG 22 19.8 24.2
ISO VG 32 28.8 35.2
ISO VG 46 41.4 50.6
ISO VG 68 61.2 74.8
ISO VG 100 90 110
ISO VG 150 135 165
ISO VG 220 198 242
ISO VG 320 288 352
ISO VG 460 414 506
ISO VG 680 612 748
ISO VG 1000 900 1100
ISO VG 1500 1350 1650

There are two basic methods of specifying the viscosity of fluids: absolute and kinematic viscosity. Viscosity index is an arbitrary measure of a fluid resistance to viscosity change with temperature changes. Thus, viscosity is affected by temperature changes. As temperature increases, the viscosity of a fluid decreases. A fluid that has a relatively stable viscosity at temperature extremes has a high viscosity index. A fluid that is very thickĀ  while cold andĀ  very thin while hot has a low viscosity index.

Factors Influencing the Selection of a Fluid
The selection of a hydraulic fluid for a given system is governed by the following factors:

  • Operating pressure of the system.
  • Operating temperature of the system and its variation.
  • Material of the system and its compatibility with oil used.
  • Speed of operation.
  • Availability of replacement fluid.
  • Cost of transmission lines.
  • Contamination possibilities.
  • Environmental condition (fire proneness, extreme atmosphere like in mining, etc.).
  • Safety to operator.
  • Expected service life.