The Émile Boutmy Scholarship in France
Last updated: 12 October 2022 | Every Year

About the Scholarship:

Sciences Po created the Émile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union. The Émile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements.

The Émile Boutmy scholarship fund benefits from the generous support of its sponsors (benefactors, companies and foundations) who are eager to allow the most deserving international students to study at Sciences Po. Private sponsors can be in direct contact with scholarship holders during official organised events.

They support the Émile Boutmy excellence scholarship : BNP Paribas, Chalhoub Group, RATP Foundation, L’Oréal, Total.

The scholarships offered in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation are merit-based scholarships for students from sub-Saharan African countries who face financial and other barriers to higher education.

These highly selective scholarships are open to candidates applying to our Bachelor’s programme, one of our seven graduate schools, or Sciences Po Summer School.

Program of Study:

Sciences Po University, Paris, France

Area(s)/Level of Study:

Bachelors or Masters Programme offered at the University

Scholarship Details:

Undergraduate Level  – The Émile Boutmy Undergraduate Programme can take different forms ranging from €3,000 to €12,300 for 3 years of undergraduate study. On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of €19,000 may be granted to cover the three years of College.

Masters Level – The Emile Boutmy Master’s Programme can take different forms – either a grant of €10,000 per year to cover tuition fees for the two years of the Masters or a tuition grant of €5,000 per year for the two years of the Masters.

Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible students are those, first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

This scholarship is awarded based on factors of excellence and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria are also taken into account.

Application Guidelines:

Students must indicate that they are applying for the Emile-Boutmy scholarship in the “Financial information” section of their Sciences Po application. Students may be asked to to provide a proof of income and documents explaining their family situation. For the academic year 2021/2022, 2022/2023, the deadline for Master’s programmes is 30 November Yearly while the deadline for undergraduate programmes (from foreign secondary schools) is mid-February.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Scholarship Website: