Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Fundamental Concepts
Definition of a Fluid
Fluid is defined as a substance that deforms continuously whilst acted upon by any force tangential to the area on which it acts.
Fluid Properties
The properties of fluids permit us to distinguish one fluid from another, and they allow us to make estimates of physical behavior of any special fluid.
Fluid statics is that branch of mechanics of fluids that deals primarily with fluids at rest.
Distribution of Pressure in the Fluid
The cross sectional area δA is very small and the variation of pressure over it therefore negligible
Hydrostatic Pressure
The direct proportionality between hydrostatic pressure and h for a fluid of constant density enables the pressure to be simply visualized in terms of the vertical distance h = p/ρg.
ISO VG for Engine Oils
ISO VG for Engine Oils and their Kinematic Viscosity at 40 degC
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